Course curriculum

  • 1


    • A message from the instructor

    • Course overview

    • How to: Use this software

    • How to: Workbooks, discussion & quiz

    • Introducing Simon and you

    • Introducing Harvey, the dog

    • Student workbook: Week 1

    • Self assessment

    • Quiz: Setup & ready to go

  • 2

    Week 1: Strategy and Digital Fundamentals

    • Introduction

    • Workbook

    • Business Objectives

    • Your audience: overview

    • Your audience: Framework

    • Funnel: Overview

    • Funnel: Objectives at each stage

    • Funnel: Metrics - Part 1

    • Funnel: Metics - Part 2 + Activity

    • Funnel: Priorities - Part 1 + Activity

    • Funnel: Priorities - Part 2

    • Digital Strategies: Content & Channel

    • Digital Strategies: ATEC Case Study

    • Messaging: Hypothesis to test

    • Testing: develop a testing plan

    • Conclusion: you made it!

    • Weekly Group Workshop - Thursday 3pm GMT +10

    • Lesson Slides for Week 1

    • Pop Quiz: Test your learning

    • Your completed workbook

  • 3

    Week 2: Facebook Advertising

    • Introduction

    • Workbook

    • Business Manager Overview

    • Ad Manager Overview

    • Create test campaign - part 1

    • Create test campaign - part 2

    • Duplicating Campaigns

    • Edit multiple ads

    • Campaign structure summary

    • Workbook Ads

    • Ad Manager Tools & Interface

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Update columns for reporting

    • Audience Overview

    • Create a saved audience

    • Facebook Interests

    • Audience strategy

    • Workbook - Audiences

    • Facebook Pixel (Optional)

    • Business Settings

    • Conclusion: you made it!

    • One more thing...

    • Your completed week 2 workbook

    • Week 2 Lesson Slides

  • 4

    Week 3: Website & landing page

    • Introduction

    • Workbook

    • Landing Page Overview

    • Website software overview

    • Website Builder: Wix (Optional)

    • Ecommerce Platform: Shopify (Optional)

    • Lead Capture Pages

    • Landing Page Content

    • New Domain Name (optional)

    • Existing domain name (optional)

    • Connecting domain name (optional)

    • Connect Facebook Pixel Website

    • Google Analytics Overview (optional)

    • Connect Google Analytics (optional)

    • Conclustion: you made it!

    • Lesson Slides for Week 3

    • Your completed workbook (week 3)

  • 5

    Week 4: Search & video ads

    • Overview

    • Search explained

    • Video ads explained

    • Workbook overview

    • Workbook (Download)

    • Google Ads & Keyword Planning

    • Keyword research tools [Optional]

    • Choosing your keywords

    • Creating your campaign

    • Getting around Google Ads

    • Updating your campaign

    • Search fundamentals

    • Keyword types [Optional]

    • Landing pages

    • Connecting Google Analytics [Optional]

    • Tracking conversions [Optional]

    • Reporting

    • Wrap up

    • Video ad campaign [Optional]

    • Video ad campaign part 2 [Optional]

    • Lesson slides for week 4

    • Your completed workbook (week 4)

  • 6

    Week 5: Email & CRM

    • Introduction

    • Capturing Data

    • Data Capture Tools

    • Automated Messaging

    • Direct Messaging Tools

    • Creating Lead Forms

    • Embedding Forms

    • Direct Messaging Leads

    • Facebook Messenger Chat

    • Managing Responses

    • Conclusion: you made it!

    • Final bonus tip

    • Lesson slides for week 5

  • 7

    Post course check-in & next steps

    • Weekly Group Workshop